Vagabond is a South Korean action-thriller television series that aired on SBS from September 20, 2019 to November 23, 2019. The series stars Lee Seung-gi, Bae Suzy, Shin Sung-rok, and Baek Yoon-sik. It follows the story of a stuntman who gets involved in a massive conspiracy after his nephew dies in a mysterious plane crash.
The series was a huge success and fans have been eagerly waiting for the second season. Unfortunately, there has been no official announcement regarding the release date of Vagabond Season 2. However, there have been some rumors that the show might return in 2022.
The show’s creator, Yoo In-sik, has said that he is currently working on the script for the second season. He also said that he is aiming to make the second season even better than the first.
The cast of the show has also expressed their interest in returning for the second season. Lee Seung-gi and Bae Suzy have both said that they would love to come back for the second season.
At this point, it is still unclear when Vagabond Season 2 will be released. However, fans can take comfort in the fact that the show’s creator is hard at work on the script and the cast is eager to return. Hopefully, we will get an official announcement soon and the show will return in 2022. Until then, fans can rewatch the first season and speculate about what will happen in the second season.
In November 2019, SBS TV will broadcast the second season of the Korean drama Vagabond, starring Lee Seung-gi and Bae Suzy. Vagabond, a popular criminal thriller from South Korea, has a global audience.
After airing on South Korean television, Netflix made the programme available globally.
Even though the creators of the vast majority of Korean dramas aim to finish up the tale in only one season, Uniforumtz has learned from a source that the programme may be brought back for a second run.
Despite this, there has been no comment issued by the producers of the film. Do you believe the show Vagabond will be renewed for a second season? In addition, there were quite a few questions that were left unresolved by the presentation. Cha Dal-gun, played by Lee Seung-gi, adopts Cha Hoon, his orphaned nephew, and raises him as a stuntman (Moon Woo-jin).
About Vagabond Season 2
Morocco was Hoon’s vacation destination this time around. In the final moments before takeoff, he records a video message on his mobile phone and sends it to his uncle.
While Cha Hoon’s uncle watches a report on the same plane crash that his nephew was a passenger in, he can’t help but worry about his nephew. Following an inquiry, it was determined that a deliberate act of violence was the cause of the B357 plane crashing.
Go Hae-RI and a member of the National Intelligence Service both contributed to the success of the mission by providing assistance. The longer the investigation goes on, the deeper the intensity of their feelings for one another becomes. Despite this, the series has not been successful in finding out who was to blame for the crash of the airliner.
In the second season of Vagabond, there is a chance that the truth may be exposed to the audience. It is to be expected that Go Hae-RI and Cha Dal-gun will eventually develop love affection for one another at some point in the future.
In the case that Lee Seung-gi and Bae Suzy return to continue performing their parts, there is a chance that the unresolved plots would be brought to a satisfactory conclusion.
When an episode of an American television drama comes to a close, viewers frequently find themselves thinking, “Huh?” and scratching their brains before moving on to the next show. In the end, “there’s no way the narrative can simply stop there without season 2,” he continued. “There’s no way the tale can simply stop there without season 2.” There is no way that the tale could just conclude there without there being a second season.
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After the production of Vagabond had come to an end, actor Lee Seung-gi gave his opinions to the music publication Alkpop. From my perspective, the likelihood of the programme being renewed for a second season is dependent not just on the total number of viewers but also on the show’s potential to remain commercially successful. My interest is in participating in [the second season] in some capacity.
Vagabond Season 2: Expected Release Date
Despite the fact that no official announcement has been made, speculations are swirling that Vagabond Season 2 has already begun covert production.
Because of a widespread epidemic of the COVID-19 virus, Netflix has delayed the release of Vagabond Season 2 until further notice. Given this, it’s hardly surprising that Netflix’s numerous initiatives have taken longer than projected.
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We don’t know when the second season of Vagabond will air because it hasn’t been renewed. Any fresh information on this K-drama will be shared with you as soon as we receive it. Be on the watch till then!!
Vagabond Season 2: Cast
These are the Cast who Can Come Back in season 2-
- Lee Seung- Gi as Cha Dal-gun
- Yun-Shik is back as Jung kook- Pyo
- Moon Sung-Keun as Hong Soon-Jo
- As Go Hae-Ri portrayed by Bae Suzy
- Shin sung-rok as Gi Tae-Woong
Vagabond Season 2: Trailer
Where Could Vagabond Go in Season 2?
Lee Seung-gi, who plays the role of Cha Dal-gun, has stated that “Vagabond” is a well-liked series that contains a great deal of untold material. Therefore, he is keeping his fingers crossed that Vagabond will be renewed for a second season. During the episode that marked the conclusion of the first season, Lee Seung-gi shared with Alkpop that there was “no way” that the plot would be resolved if there was not a second season.
At the conclusion of many American dramas, you’ll be left with questions like “Huh?” and scratching your head in confusion. The second season might not be made since there is less interest in the show and less funding available. Yes, if given the chance, I would be interested in participating in the second season of the show.
According to the information provided by these individuals with knowledge of the situation, production on the second season of Vagabond has already begun at a secret location.
The whole public is interested in determining who was to blame for the plane catastrophe that resulted in the death of Cha Dal-nephew gun Cha Hoon (Moon Woo-jin). Aside from that, are there any chances of Cha Dal-gun and Go Hae-Ri developing a love relationship?
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In the last act of the movie Vagabond, the protagonist, Cha Hoon, goes on an excursion to Morocco. Just before he got on the plane, a video message was transmitted to his maternal uncle who lives in another country. About the other side, Dal-gun is completely transfixed by a story on the fatal aeroplane accident in which Cha Hoon was involved.
The investigation that followed the crash of the B357 determined that it was not an accident but rather a deliberate act on someone’s part. An undercover intelligence officer working for the National Intelligence Service provides help to Cha Dal-gun. As the inquiry moves further, they find themselves becoming more and more smitten with one another.
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