Veda Mektubu is a Turkish drama series that has been captivating audiences since its debut in 2019. The show follows the story of a young woman, Veda, who is struggling to find her place in the world. The show has been praised for its strong female lead and its exploration of themes such as family, love, and identity.
Fans of the show have been eagerly awaiting news of a second season, and the wait is finally over. Veda Mektubu Season 2 is set to premiere on April 15th, 2021.
The show has been well-received by viewers, with an average rating of 8.2/10 on IMDb. The show has also been praised for its strong female lead and its exploration of themes such as family, love, and identity.
The second season of Veda Mektubu promises to be even more exciting than the first. The show will continue to explore the themes of family, love, and identity, as well as introducing new characters and storylines.
The show has already been renewed for a third season, so fans can look forward to more of Veda’s story in the future.
If you’re looking for a show that will keep you on the edge of your seat, then Veda Mektubu is the perfect choice. With its strong female lead and exploration of themes such as family, love, and identity, the show is sure to keep you entertained. So don’t miss out on the second season of Veda Mektubu, premiering April 15th, 2021.
Veda Mektubu Season 2 Release Date: What are the Ratings of the Show?